It is an extraordinary experience to have someone who makes you feel better about yourself, or someone who cares you so much. When you have that person in your life, you must tell them how grateful you are and appreciate their efforts. You already know who that person is, so we have brought you this list of you make me feel special quotes for you to let them know that they are special, too.

Romantic Quotes About You Make Me Feel Special
The people who understand you better than yourself are definitely the ones who make you feel most special.
If you have that one person who gives you butterflies in your stomach, you have got someone very special.
Conversations are just a formality - the real connection is in the hearts when two people truly value each other.
The man who looks at you like you're the only girl in the world, trust me, do not ask for anything else. It's all you would live for.
The person who stands by you through thick and thin makes you stronger than you could ever be alone.
Meaning something to someone is a rare feeling in this world, unless you're fortunate enough to have someone rare.
It's not easy to love ourselves, but then, someone special comes into our lives and makes us feel worthier.
There are two kinds of smile: one that just shows on your face, and the one that you feel from your heart to your face.
Drunk with love and happiness is how you feel with that amazing person who has changed your life for good.
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